How to connect Amazon SES SMTP with send dart 

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses, and the right platform can make all the difference. send dart offers a seamless integration with Amazon SES SMTP, allowing you to send emails efficiently. This article will guide you through the process of connecting Amazon SES SMTP with send dart. 

Why Connect Amazon SES with send dart?  #
  • Cost-Effective: Amazon SES offers a cost-effective solution for sending emails. 
  • High Deliverability: Ensure your emails reach the inbox with Amazon’s robust infrastructure. 
  • Scalability: Handle large volumes of emails without any hiccups. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Connect Amazon SES SMTP with send dart  #
1. Prepare Your AWS Credentials: 
  • Log in to your AWS Management Console. 
  • Navigate to the IAM (Identity and Access Management) section. 
  • Click on ‘Users’ and then ‘Create User’. 
  • Name your user (e.g., test_send dart_user). 
  • Attach the following policies: 
    • Amazon SES Full Access 
    • Amazon SNS Full Access 
    • IAM Read Only Access 

Once done, AWS will provide you with an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key. Make sure to save these credentials securely. 

2. Configure send dart: 
  • Log in to your send dart account. 
  • Navigate to the SMTP settings. 
  • Enter the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key you obtained earlier. 
  • For the hostname, identify your AWS region (e.g., Ohio) and select it in send dart. This will auto-fill the hostname for you. 
  • Set the port to 587 and the encryption method to SSL. 

3. SMTP Credentials: 
  • In your AWS Management Console, navigate to the SES section. 
  • Click on ‘SMTP settings’ and then ‘Create SMTP Credential’. 
  • AWS will provide you with an SMTP username and password. 
  • Enter these credentials into send dart. 

4. Finalize the Setup: 
  • In send dart, set your name and ‘From Email’. 
  • All the domains connected with your SES account will appear. You can enable or disable them as needed. 
  • Click ‘Save’ to finalize the setup. 

Conclusion  #

Connecting Amazon SES SMTP with send dart is a straightforward process that unlocks the power of efficient email marketing. By integrating these two platforms, you can ensure high deliverability rates, manage large volumes of emails, and optimize your email campaigns for success. Start sending powerful email campaigns today with send dart and Amazon SES! 

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